Paul Rusk Legacy Fund Established

November 17, 2022
County Board Chair Patrick Miles, (608) 886-9167
County Board

The Dane County Board of Supervisors will meet tonight at 7:00pm both virtually and in room 201 of the City-County Building. At the meeting the Board will consider a resolution to accept a donation from the Paul Rusk Legacy Fund to provide awards to Dane County jail residents to recognize self-betterment accomplishments.


"Paul Rusk was an astoundingly good man. Gentile and kind, but also a ferocious advocate for what he believed in. He worked so hard and always made time for people. He was dedicated to his community, especially his beloved Northside. After he died, his family, friends, and neighbors created the Paul Rusk Legacy Fund. The funds will forward the work that Paul was so passionate about. The collected funds will be used to increase skills and connection to future opportunities to residents in the Dane County jail. Upon completion of continuing education classes and programs within the jail, people will be able to request an electronic tablet to keep. They will also be presented with a framed certificate, detailing their accomplishment. It is our goal that the Paul Rusk Legacy Fund will provide hope and support to folks working hard to create future opportunities," said County Board Supervisor Michele Ritt (District 18).


The resolution provides for a monetary donation of up to $5,247.92 for the Sheriff’s Office, Dane County Jail social workers and educators, to support and recognize educational and self-betterment accomplishments of jail residents.


"This is an appropriate way to remember Paul’s hard work and commitment to helping the residents in the Dane County jail," said County Board Chair Patrick Miles.


Paul Rusk served on the Dane County Board from 2002 until his passing in October 2020. While on the Board, Paul served as Chair of the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee for twelve and a half years. When he assumed the chair in 2006, the county had just opened the new courthouse. In the years that followed, the committee dealt with the crisis with the Public Safety Communications Center; the 2009 report detailing racial disparities in the criminal justice system and the priority of facing head on and changing this reality; the creation of the Criminal Justice Council to bring key officials together to solve problems; and the community-driven process created by 2014 Res-556 to address the issues of racial disparities and mental health in the jail and throughout the criminal justice system. 


Anyone interested in donating to the Paul Rusk Legacy Fund can do so here: