NOW HIRING for a great new career

December 09, 2014
Melanie Conklin, Communications Director, 608.267.8823 or 608.635.5796
County Executive


**To preregister for the event call Bill Clingan, the South Central Coordinator of WRTP/BIG STEPat  608-255-0155**                       


Building Trades, BIG STEP looking to recruit job seekers with an interest in good, family-supporting

construction jobs in painting, drywall and finishing

MADISON:  As the construction boom continues in Dane County and baby boomers are aging out of the workforce, the construction industry is looking for serious candidates who want a career in the industry.


The Building Trades of South Central Wisconsin in collaboration with WRTP/BIG STEP is holding an employment recruitment event on Thursday Dec. 11 for those interested in a career in painting, drywall and finishing.


“Over the next few years the building trades will be looking for the individuals who are interested in this type of work, want a career not just a job and will help us literally build Dane County,” said Dave Branson,  Executive Director of the Building and Construction Trades Council of South Central Wisconsin.


The recruitment will be held Thursday, December 11th, from 2:00 – 6:00 at Madison College South Campus at 2238 South Park Street.


In the coming months there will be more events like this in order to prepare for what will be a very busy 2015 construction season. WRTP/BIG STEP is working with labor leaders and employers in construction to keep businesses competitive and promote family-supporting jobs. 


“WRTP/BIG STEP will continue its role of connecting a skilled, diverse workforce to the construction industry that is needed in south central Wisconsin,” said Mark Kessenich,  CEO and President of WRTP/BIG.


While the overall economy of Dane County is robust, there are pockets of unemployed or underemployed individuals in particular communities who could benefit by connecting to a career in construction. 


Dane County Executive Joe Parisi was enthusiastic in his support for the job recruitment event and how it can help our workers and community: “This is the perfect match between an industry that badly needs skilled workers and individuals that are looking for an opportunity to have a career to support themselves and their family.”


Those that are interested in attending event this should call Bill Clingan (608-255-0155), the South Central Coordinator of WRTP/BIG STEP with questions and to pre-register for the event.




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